NR2003 is nearing its past its 20th birthday, so installing it and running it takes a few more steps than it did back when it was brand new in 2003. Below, I will take you through each and every step to get the game installed and running. Then, after that, I’ll take you through all the steps required to update the game to run smoothly and efficiently on more modern computers with the more recent highly detailed mods (such as Mencs18, Mencs19, WinstonCup98, etc.). A ton of extremely helpful pieces of software have been released in the past several years that bring NR2003 into the present day and keep it being one of the best sims to ever be available.
First and foremost, back in 2019 a Youtuber known as ‘TheBenCrazy’ made a video that walks through a good amount of the steps I’ve written out below. I recommend following my steps below and if you need to see anything visually, please refer to his video. He has a few extra steps of things that I don’t personally find important (regarding additions to the shared folder files in particular) but everything else is extremely useful if you need a visual aide. Most of the files he uses have new or different versions. The best versions of these files I have either linked or available down on this how-to.
Part 1: Getting NR2003 Running on your PC
Installing NR2003, it’s patches, and its NO-CD executable.
NR2003 Full Download (Including Patches/No-CD Patch) – Hosted by Virtual 8 Racing League (link will open a new window to their site). Download the first link on the page in the upper left hand corner. That’s all you’ll need for now. Once you’ve downloaded the game, come back to this page.
1.) Now that you’ve got the game, unzip all the files. Open the ‘NASCAR Racing 2003 Season – Windows’ folder and run the ‘setup.exe’ file. Follow the instructions and install the game like normal.
CD-Key to use: RAB2-RAB2-RAB2-RAB2-6969
When asked if you want to check for updates, do not check for updates. Also, when it asks you to register, choose to register later. Also make sure to NOT run the game at the end of the installation of the software.
2.) Next, open the ‘Patches’ folder from the ZIP. First, run the nr2003_update_en_1000_1201.exe file. Just follow the instructions and hit next a lot. Once installed, then run the ‘NR2002 1201 Fix.exe’ file next. Same thing. Follow instructions and hit next a lot.
3.) After that, it’s time to replace the main executable. Open the ‘No CD EXE’ folder. extract the NR2003.EXE file in that folder in your c:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 2003 folder. You can go ahead and overwrite the original NR2003.EXE file. Many will say to rename it and save it, but unless you’re planning to run the game with the original CD it’s pointless. Just overwrite it.
The game is now installed and up to date.
Running NR2003 on Windows 7/8/10/11
It has been brought to my attention that disabling DEP is no longer required with the most recent versions of the NR2003.EXE no-CD executable. I have left this section here, but it is now skippable.
In most cases, you’ll need to disable DEP (Data Excecution Prevention) in Windows for the game to work. If you don’t know what DEP is, I’d recommend doing a Google Search so you understand what it is, first.
The method of turning off the DEP is the same for all version of Windows available at this time from 7 to 11.
1.) Click on the Windows logo at the bottom left of your screen.
2.) Type cmd. Do not hit enter.
3.) At the top of the screen you should see the ‘cmd.exe’ in the search. Right click on it and choose to ‘Run as Administrator.
4.) Enter without the quotes ‘bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff’ and hit enter.
5.) Type exit and hit enter. CMD will close.
6.) Restart your computer and DEP will be disabled.
Running The Game for the First Time
First thing you’ll see upon opening the game is the graphics configuration. Choose your monitor’s resolution in 32 bit. I don’t recommend running in a Window, but it does work fine if run in a window. You’ll just have the window border at the top of the screen.
Once in the game, click on ‘Player Info’. Click on ‘New’ and enter your first and last name. When finished, click done at the bottom right. It will likely ask you at this point to calibrate your wheel/controller.
Once calibrated, go ahead and run a few test laps around any track to make sure the game is running as it should. Graphics will likely be blurry. Don’t worry about that. We’ll fix it next.
Graphics Tweaks
Some changes need to be made to a few text based files in order to get the most out of the graphics within the game.
1.) First open the core.ini file. This is located in your core NR2003 folder (default is c:\papyrus\nascar racing 2003 season)
Change the numbers on the line for [FileLRUCache] from 4194304 to 14194304. (You’re just adding a 1 to the front of it).
Next locate the [Memory] section and change the ‘MaxBlockSize’ number to 524288.
Save and close the core.ini file.
2.) Next open your Rend_dxg.ini for nVidia users or the rend_ogl.ini for OpenGL users.
Change the ‘AnisotropicLevel’ to 0.
Next, change the ‘TextureSetSize’ to -1.
Save and close the file.
3.) Next open your player.ini file, typically located in c:\Papyrus\NASCAR Racing 2003 Season\Players\”Your Player Named Folder”
In [Graphics Options] change:
draw_ahead_distance to 100
draw_behind_distance to 100 (optional if you have a powerful computer)
texture_quality to 100
Under [Opponent Manager] change:
import_textures_with_compression to 0 (optional for more powerful computers)
Save file and close it.
Special note: Any time your graphics drivers alter, most notably when the drivers update, the next time you open NR2003 the graphics setup will rerun. When it does, you’ll need to repeat the 2nd step that’s above written in Red. That’s the only thing that changes when the graphics configuration runs. The rest all remains the same as you had changed it originally.
Part 2: Bringing NR2003 Into The Present Day
Updated Shared Folder from Revamped Reloaded
Many updated tracks all around the NR2003 world use the Revamped Reloaded shared folder that includes a ton of very handy and attractive updates.
2010 / 2011 Shared Folder Files – Main Files
2011 Shared Folder MIP Update – A simple MIP file update
Download these files above. The files themselves belong in your Track’s shared folder. Make sure the files themselves end up in (default installation):
c:\papyrus\nascar racing 2003 season\tracks\shared
Make sure to do the main files first. Then, do the MIP file update second. It will overwrite some older files. Go ahead and confirm that you do want to overwrite them when prompted.
Updated Sky Textures (4K/HD/SD Available)
HD Sky Textures by MCiarlo – This link will open a new tab/window.
Download the Sky Textures. Extract the files themselves into your track’s shared folder.
Updating NR2003 to 4GB Virtual Memory (x64)
Download 4GB Patch by NTCore – Direct Download Link
Use this executable to patch your nr2003.exe file and it will update the game to be able to utilize 4GB of virtual memory instead of the 2GB originally available due to being a 32 bit program.
After you’ve applied this patch, you will have a new NR2003.exe and the one prior to the patch will be renamed ‘nr2003.exe.backup.
Updating NR2003 from DirectX8 to DirectX9
Download the d3d8.dll DX9 File – Version 1.11.0
This file will be used to bring NR2003 into using DX9 as opposed to DX8. DX9 is far more efficient. This file needs to be placed in your default NR2003 folder. The default folder would be:
c:\payprus\nascar racing 2003 season\
Installing Reshade
Before going any further with Reshade, please note: Reshade is not at all required. Reshade is a program that allows you to put shaders (filters) on the game to manipulate how it appears. If you are new to all of the stuff held within this how-to, feel free to skip the Reshade steps. The game does not require it.
Download Reshade – Version
Special note – I do not recommend using a newer version of reshade than this version. Successful installation of newer versions can be spotty. However, this version I’ve supplied is the most recent version that works without fault.
Next download, extract, and place the Reshade executable file into your NR2003 main folder (same as the d3d8.dll file). Once there, go ahead and run the file.
After running the file choose ‘Select Game to install or uninstall from’. Choose your NR2003.EXE file in your core NR2003 folder. Once selected you’ll have 4 circle box options to choose from.
Choose ‘Direct3D 9.’
Next you’ll be asked ‘Do you wish to download a collection of standard effects…’ You should choose ‘Yes’.
A bunch of check boxes will appear. These are all the shader tools. Make sure they’re all checked and choose ‘Ok’.
The Reshade box should now say ‘Succeeded!’ at the top left hand corner. You can now close the Reshade Box.
Running NR2003 The First Time After Reshade Install
The first time you run the game you will be presented with the Reshade overlay. Before messing with it, first click on the ‘Driver Info’ button. Reshade can not be accessed from the initial load in screen for the game.
Once there, press ‘Home’. Go through the Reshade Tutorial to learn about how it all works.
First, you’ll need to make a Reshade Preset. Click the + sign at the top right corner and type in a name for your preset. It can be any name you like. Once typed, press enter. Then choose ‘Continue’.
Next, it will show you all the reshade filters that can be used. You can see a preview (or just turn them on) by clicking the checkboxes next to them. If you have any checked when you click continue it’ll show you all the options you can adjust on the shaders.
When you’re done, click ‘Finish’.
And that’s it. If you’d like the Reshade menu to appear/disappear just press ‘Home’. In the options, if you like, you can change the Reshade hotkey to something else if you’d prefer it not to be the Home key.
The best place to utilize reshade is when on the (full) replay screen.
Special note: When using Reshade, in your graphics options, make sure to have the shadows listed under ‘On Cars’ to all be not checked. This is the only fault with Reshade is those shadows are not usable. However, the game will still look fantastic with them, so they’re not needed.
Settings up nVidia (or AMD) Control Panel For NR2003
These settings are specifically for nVidia cards, though the AMD side has essentially (mostly) the same options. If you’re unsure on the AMD side of a specific setting, just leave it and don’t change it. Only change the ones that are obvious. For nVidia users, you may follow right along. These settings are from ‘TheBenCrazy’ video and are excellent settings.
1.) Right click on your desktop and click the nVidia Control Panel.
2.) Click ‘Manage 3D Settings’.
3.) Click the ‘Program Settings’ tab at the top of the ‘Manage 3D Settings’.
4.) Select your NR2003 executable by clicking ‘Add’ and locating the executable. This will allow the control panel to only apply these settings specifically to this game.
Here are Ben’s settings:
Image Sharpening – Use global setting (Off)
Ambient Occlusion – Not supported for this application
Anisotropic Filtering – 16x
Antialiasing – FXAA – On
Antialiasing – Gamma Correction – Off
Antialiasing – Mode – Override any application settings
Antialiasing – Setting – 8x
CUDA – GPUs – Use global settings (All)
Low Latency Mode – Use global setting (Off)
Monitor Technology – Use global settings (G-SYNC Compatible)
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) – On
OpenGL Rendering GPU – Use global setting (Auto-select)
Power management mode – Optimal Power
Preferred refresh rate – Use global setting (Highest available)
Texture filtering – Anisotropic…. – Off
Texture filtering – Negative LOD bias – Clamp
Texture filtering – Quality – High quality
Texture filtering – Trilinear optimization – Off
Threaded optimization – Auto
Triple buffering – Off
Vertical sync – Off
Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames – n/a
Virtual Reality – Variable Rate… – Not supported (n/a)
You’re Finished! Other Pieces of Information
Wheel Settings
Wheel settings can be a thing. When it comes to setting your wheel up, everything comes down to personal preference. With NR2003, the game isn’t initially set up to handle a 900 degree radius that most current wheels use. If you go with just the standard stock settings, I’d recommend in your wheel’s configuration, that you drop the rotation radius from 900 to about 365. Some folks experiment with it between 200 & about 400 degrees.

Along with this, though, there are also some advanced controller options in the sim. Adjusting the steering input & steering linearity settings, it is possible to get the 900 degrees of rotation to work. Again, it’s all down to preference. This can also coincide with the steering ratio you use on the actual car setup itself. I won’t go into major details on this. It’s something you simply need to play around with until you get it where you like it.
NR2003 Limits:
NR2003 is limited to allowing 128 tracks and 16 series mods at any given time. It won’t work if you go over either of those numbers.
Reshade Filters
Reshade can be super powerful by learning the shaders/filters. Learning what they do, how they function, and how to adjust them and you can make anything look quite impressive that the game itself would otherwise not be able to pull off. I recommend checking out some how-tos and detailed articles on all of what reshade has to offer.
Back in 2018, Youtuber PowerMagika made a helpful YouTube video regarding Reshade. His version is a bit older and with an older version of Reshade, but the idea is similar. Check it out, for some visual aides.
Useful Links For Software Updates
Reshade Repository – Links to download ALL versions of Reshade
Reshade Main Page – Links to download most recent version
DX to D9 DLL Page – Where to go for the latest version of the DLL file.
4GB Patch Homepage – NTCore’s home page for the patch.