All the carsets within this section are designed to be used with the Cup2000 mod from Om3ga Racing. If you do not have the mod, you can get it directly from their website. Otherwise, for more detailed information, you can find the Cup2000 mod details under the ‘Car Mods’ section of the website here. The Cup2000 mod is available in both Cup physics & BGN physics. The carsets below are all Cup physics based, which is the original physics option for the Cup2000 mod.
Car Physics Swapper – If you use a mod with different physics than it was originally released with (example: Aero88 mod uses CTS physics, but I run it with Cup physics) Use this tool with the carsets below to switch the physics of the car files to the physics you use!

1999 Carset by Thunder98
Total Number of Cars: 188
Jack is a veteran painter for NR2003 and did an incredible job on this set. If there’s a 1999 carset & mod to use, this is the one!! Jack includes multiple schemes for many drivers as well as including many part timers/one offs.

2000 Carset by Multiple Artists
Total Number of Cars: 165
Artists: CC48, Big EvilRacing, 4wideDesigns, Harry Nurpplez, Marottam, Joeymj1, Bryan Rodriguez, DRD, & Petty4345
The majority of this set was done by veteran painter CC48, but multiple artists made this happen. This set includes 97% of the entire 2000 season, so it’s the most complete set you can get. A great job all around.

2000 (Original) Carset by Om3ga Racing
Total Number of Cars: 65
This is the original carset that comes with the mod by default. However, it does include a few extra cars.

2000 Winston Cup Test Carset
Total Number of Cars: 60 Cars
If you’re a completionist for the 2000 Winston Cup season, you might as well pick up this up. This includes all the test schemes from the 2000 Daytona test. There are multiples of several cars included, as teams would often test multiple cars during the test days.

2001 Winston Cup Carset by Sim Racing Design (SRD)
Total Number of Cars: 96 Cars
This carset by SRD includes an impressive array of cars from the 2001 season. You’ll find multiples of a few drivers. A fantastic job done by some talented painters.

2002 Winston Cup Carset by Sim Racing Design (SRD)
Total Number of Cars: 88 Cars
Another carset from the talented painters at SRD that includes a fantastic array of 2002 Winston Cup cars. Each scheme is accurate and easy on the eyes. Definitely give this one a go to relive the 2002 season.